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- Q1: How does React work?
- Q2: What is React?
- Q3: How would you write an inline style in React?
- Q4: What is the use of refs?
- Q5: What are props in React?
- Q6: What are the advantages of ReactJS?
- Q7: What are the major features of ReactJS?
- Q8: What is Context API in ReactJS?
- Q9: What are React Hooks?
- Q10: What are refs used for in React?
- Q11: What are the differences between a Class component and Functional component?
- Q12: What are the advantages of using React?
- Q13: What is the difference between a Presentational component and a Container component?
- Q14: What is the difference between state and props?
- Q15: What happens when you call
- Q16: When rendering a list what is a key and what is it's purpose?
- Q17: What happens during the lifecycle of a React component?
- Q18: How is React different from AngularJS (1.x)?
- Q19: What does it mean for a component to be mounted in React?
- Q20: What's the difference between a Controlled component and an Uncontrolled one in React?
- Q21: What is Reconciliation in ReactJS?
- Q22: What is the difference between Component and Container in Redux? Related
- Q23: What is the difference between Element and Component in ReactJS?
- Q24: What is the difference between state and props?
- Q25: What are inline conditional expressions in ReactJS?
- Q26: What are Controlled components in ReactJS?
- Q27: What are Fragments in React?
- Q28: What is the purpose of using super constructor with props argument in React?
- Q29: What are Stateless components in React?
- Q30: What are the limitations of React?
- Q31: What is state in React?
- Q32: What are two types of components in ReactJS?
- Q33: What is the purpose of callback function as an argument of setState?
- Q34: How to create refs in React?
- Q35: What are portals in React and when do we need them?
- Q36: What are Higher-Order Components (HOC) in React?
- Q37: What is JSX?
- Q38: What are Stateful components in React?
- Q39: What are advantages of using React Hooks? Rela
- Q40: What is useState() in React? Related To: React Hooks
- Q41: How to call loading function with React useEffect only once? Related To: React Hooks
- Q42: How to access DOM elements in React? Related To: React Hooks
- Q43: How would you prevent a component from rendering in React?
- Q44: What is {this.props.children} and when you should use it?
- Q45: Name the different lifecycle methods for a class components
- Q46: What are Stateless components in React?
- Q47: What is the difference between createElement and cloneElement?
- Q48: Are you familiar with Flux in the context of React?
- Q49: What is the significance of keys in ReactJS?
- Q50: What's the typical pattern for rendering a list of components from an array in React?
- Q51: What is prop drilling and how can you avoid it?
- Q52: What is the point of shouldComponentUpdate() method?
- Q53: What are forward refs?
- Q54: What do these three dots (...) in React do?
- Q55: What are the lifecycle methods of ReactJS class components?
- Q56: What are the different phases of ReactJS component lifecycle?
- Q57: What is Key and benefit of using it in lists?
- Q58: What's the difference between an Element and a Component in React?
- Q59: What is the difference between ShadowDOM and VirtualDOM?
- Q60: Why do class methods need to be bound to a class instance?
- Q61: What are Stateless components in React?
- Q62: What is children prop?
- Q63: Why React uses className over class attribute?
- Q64: What does shouldComponentUpdate do and why is it important?
- Q65: What is Lifting State Up in ReactJS?
- Q66: Why we should not update state directly?
- Q67: What's the difference between useRef and createRef?
- Q68: What is StrictMode in React?
- Q69: What is the difference between createElement and cloneElement?
- Q70: What is the significance of keys in ReactJS?
- Q71: What would be the common mistake of function being called every time the component renders?
- Q72: Are you familiar with Flux in the context of React?
- Q73: What is the difference between HTML and React event handling?
- Q74: What are Error Boundaries in ReactJS?
- Q75: What are Uncontrolled components?
- Q76: What's wrong with using Context in React?
- Q77: What is Components Composition in React?
- Q78: What does Batching mean in ReactJS?
- Q79: What are the advantages of Batching in ReactJS? R
- Q80: Which lifecycle methods of class component is replaced by useEffect in functional component? Related To: React Hooks
- Q81: Compare useState and useReducer implementations Related To: React Hooks
- Q82: Do React Hooks cover all use cases for class components? Related To: React Hooks
- Q83: How can I make use of Error Boundaries in functional React components? Related To: React Hooks
- Q84: When would you use useRef? Related To: React Hooks
- Q85: How would you pass data from child to parent component in React?
- Q86: What is the purpose of super(props)?
- Q87: Explain the Virtual DOM concept in React
- Q88: Describe Flux vs MVC?
- Q89: Can you force a React component to rerender without calling setState?
- Q90: Why does React use SyntheticEvents?
- Q91: How would you go about investigating slow React application rendering?
- Q92: What's a Pure Functional Component in React?
- Q93: What is the second argument that can optionally be passed to setState and what is its purpose?
- Q94: When is it important to pass props to super(), and why?
- Q95: Why would you need to bind event handlers to this?
- Q96: What is the difference between using constructor vs getInitialState in React
- Q97: Why doesn't work?
- Q98: How to create Props Proxy for HOC component?
- Q99: How to conditionally add attributes to React components
- Q100: Does React re-render all components and sub components every time setState is called?
- Q101: When would you use StrictMode component in React?
- Q102: How would you go about investigating slow React application rendering?
- Q103: Does React re-render all components and sub components every time setState is called?
- Q104: What's the difference between useCallback and useMemo in practice? Related To: React Hooks
- Q105: Explain why and when would you use useMemo()? Related To: React Hooks
- Q106: When to use useCallback, useMemo and useEffect? Related To: React Hooks
- Q107: Can you do Components Inheritance in React?
- Q108: What is difference between Incremental DOM and Virtual DOM? Related To: Angular
- Q109: When would you use flushSync in ReactJS? Related To: React Hooks
- Q110: When shall we use useReducer hook in ReactJS? Related To: React Hooks
- Q111: When to use useState vs useReducer? Related To: React Hooks
- Q112: How would you store non-state/instance variables in functional React components? Related To: React Hooks
- Q113: What is a Pure Function?
- Q114: What is React Fiber?
- Q115: Explain some difference between Flux and AngularJS (1.x) approach
- Q116: How to avoid the need for binding in React?
- Q117: What is the key architectural difference between a JavaScript library such as React and a JavaScript framework such as Angular?
- Q118: How does React renderer work exactly when we call setState?
- Q119: How to use React.memo()?
- Q120: Can a custom React hook return JSX? Related To: React Hooks
- Q121: What is the order of useInsertionEffect, useEffect and useLayoutEffect hooks at component generation
- Q1: Provide an example of any simple Custom React Hook. Why do we need Custom Hooks? Rel
- Q2: What is equivalent of the following using React.createElement?
- Q3: Given the React code defined above, can you identify two problems?
- Q4: What is equivalent of this code using React Hooks? Related To: React Hooks
- Q5: What's wrong with that code?
- Q6: If you created a React element like Twitter below, what would the component definition of Twitter look like?
- Q7: What is wrong with this code?
- Q8: How to mitigate multiple component re-renders when using multiple useState calls? Related To: React Hooks
- Q9: How would you optimise this code using one of the React Hooks? Related To: React Hooks